There is a new supernatural council power (“resist witchcraft” with 124a/133d stats) has been “unearthed” for purchase with fifteen (15) FP (favor points) each.

Posted on Posted on October 3, 2021, 2:05 am by Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard).

Modified on Modified on October 3, 2021, 2:05 am by Kyle Christopher Blanchard (@kylecblanchard).

Permalink Permalink/"permanent link" — There is a new supernatural council power (“resist witchcraft” with 124a/133d stats) has been “unearthed” for purchase with fifteen (15) FP (favor points) each. (

New supernatural council power (“resist witchcraft” with 124a/133d stats) has been “unearthed” for purchase with fifteen (15) FP (favor points) each.

A new supernatural council power (“resist witchcraft” with 124a/133d stats) has been “unearthed” for purchase with fifteen (15) FP (favor points) each.

Screenshot of 'New supernatural council power ("resist witchcraft" with 124a/133d stats) has been "unearthed" for purchase with fifteen (15) FP (favor points) each.' (source:
Screenshot of ‘New supernatural council power (“resist witchcraft” with 124a/133d stats) has been “unearthed” for purchase with fifteen (15) FP (favor points) each.’ (source: